One-Of-A-Kind Wu-Tang Album Once Owned By Martin Shkreli Will Be Played Publicly For The First Time Next Month



As much of a dickhead as he is, I never really begrudged Martin Shkreli buying that one-of-a-kind Wu-Tang album and keeping it for himself. That was actually kinda funny in a twisted, supervillain sort of way. Like, unless he played that album for others, he’s literally the only person in the world to have heard that collection of Wu-Tang songs.

Well, until now, that is. The US government had already seized the album from the former drug company CEO and sold it off for $4m in an effort to pay his debts, and now it is set to be played publicly in a museum for the first time.

The album, titled Once Upon A Time In Shaolin, will be played at Australia’s Museum of Old and New Art as part of its Namedropping exhibition in a few weeks. In addition to listening sessions for a 30-minute excerpt of the album, the physical album will also be on display in a silver box.

Meet the Crypto Fans Who Paid $4 Million for Pharma Bro Wu-Tang Album

A contract stipulates that the album – now owned by digital art group Pleasr – can’t be sold, reproduced, put on Spotify, or commercially exploited at all until 2109 (!), but it can be played at private listening events.

Which is f*cking mental, if you think about it. The world will not get to hear this album until 2109, which is a year where humankind may not even exist (the way things are going), so the only way you will get to hear even just 30 minutes of it is at this exhibition in Australia from June 15 – 24.

The rest of us will never have any clue if this one-of-a-kind Wu-Tang album is actually any good or not. On the one hand, there’s no way it can live up to the $4m price tag, but on the other hand, if you’re one of the very few people to ever listen to it, you’re blatantly going to hype it up as the greatest album you’ve ever listened to, right?

Oh well, I guess we can hope that someone out there at Pleasr or at the exhibition next month manages to leak the album online somehow, or at least grab a dodgy snippet on their phone or something. Come on, make the internet proud!

For the Scottish man fined £500 for rapping along to the N-word in Wu-Tang’s Protect Ya Neck, click HERE.



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