The World’s Largest Slip N Slide Festival Has Opened In America And Spans 1.5 Miles



The heatwave over here is absolutely killing everyone at the moment, so I doubt that many of us are going to look on with anything but envy at the world’s largest Slip N Slide Festival which has just opened up in the Lehigh Valley at Beaver Creek Mountain Resort in Pennsylvania, USA.

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Slide The Slopes is unique in that the Slip N Slide courses are taking place on ski slopes that are disused for the summer, with a course that spans over 1.5 miles and features 20 routes and 8000 feet of waterslides. Participants are transported up the mountain in ski lifts and conveyors before diving back down again and getting themselves soaking wet whilst speeding down the mountain at top speed.

Take a look at the footage below:

Yep, definitely looks like exactly what I could use on a day like today but sadly won’t ever get anywhere near. Yes, I’m sure there must be some Slip N Slides around but let’s be honest they pale in comparison to this very ‘American’ version of the event. Go large.

If you’re lucky enough to live near Pennsylvania, then it costs $35 for a two hour window, which seems fairly reasonable especially as everything is Covid compliant so there probably aren’t going to be too many people around and you’ll get a good number of goes on everything.

For more of the same, check out the Royal Flush waterslide from back in the day. The original and best.



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