Important Advice For Anyone Going To The World Cup: Try Keep Out Of Brazilian Jail



Tim Williams, this is your heads up. By all means head down to Brazil, have a great time, party with the locals, etc. But just remember that if things get a little bit crazy and you end up spilling your drink on the wrong dude or stepping on some foreigner-hating police officer’s shoes and he throws you into jail — you’re fucked.

Not talking a hefty fine, or an overnight stay in the cells, or even the shame of being bailed out by your worried friends and family back home. Nope – either you die before you have the chance to experience your hangover the next morning or you survive with first-hand knowledge that being in prison in Brazil is the worst thing in the world.

☛ More World Cup: Check Out All 32 Official World Cup Strips

I guess as long as everyone headed out there knows this and acts accordingly, everything should be OK. But if not, here’s what awaits. Grim:

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