World Cup Beer Nerd Returns For Qatar 2022 And Actually Goes Viral This Time



I’ve probably known of the concept of World Cup Beers for a lot longer than most people as Gus Hully himself actually roped me into pick one up for him whilst I was at a wedding in Egypt, but I’ve gotta admit that even I was surprised how crazy it went when he put the picture of him and 32 beers from countries competing at the 2018 World Cup up on the internet.  Who would have thought that so many people would care about a worse looking and way more demented version of Gonzalo Higuain and his collection of global beers?

Featured Image VIA

Anyway, ever since then, Hully has been chasing that high of viral internet beer nerd infamy in increasingly weird and depressing ways, beginning with the obvious European Championship beers but then progressing to the less advised Women’s World Cup Beers and the downright pathetic Eurovision Song Contest Beers. How is anyone gonna care about either of those last two really? Realistically, the people that watch them are more likely to drink gin and tonic in a can or Prosecco aren’t they? (that’s a joke, stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason, grow up etc)

I did have a feeling though that when the World Cup rolled around again this year, Hully might have been able to claw back his reputation and go viral again because let’s face it, this is the big one that everyone wants to get involved with it. Even those virtue signallers who said they were going to boycott the World Cup because it was in Qatar can get into it because it revolves around alcohol so is sort of a protest against them. Go World Cup Beers Go!

Anyway, Hully put up the picture a few hours ago and as you can see, it’s blown up the internet again with even Heineken themselves and some Ecuadorian beer getting involved too:

Well what can you say? I guess if you keep trying at something with all your heart then you really can get to the top of lameass mountain. Props to Gus for achieving his dream, but maybe wait until 2026 before trying this again so the intervening period doesn’t reek so hard of desperation.

Oh, and I gotta mention that he’s clearly used my advice by not taking a picture of himself where he looks like a demented Tibetan paedophile this time….

For more of the same, check out these fake England fans marching around in Qatar ahead of the World Cup. What the hell is all that about?



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