Woman Who Predicts The Future With Asparagus Says England Will Win Euro 2024



67-year-old woman/sorcerer Jemima Packington from Bath claims that she can predict the future by throwing asparagus stalks into the air and then reading them when they land.

Crazy, right? Well yeah it’s crazy, but let’s not dismiss Jemima outright, because here’s a bunch of things she’s managed to predict correctly thus far thanks to her asparagus-reading technique:

– Boris Johnson would become leader of the Tory party – correct.

– Harry and Meghan would leave the UK – correct.

–  The Queen would die in 2022 – correct.

– England would win the Cricket World Cup in 2019 – correct.

– Thomas Cook and Mothercare to close down – correct.

– Brexit will happen – correct.

Well? Are you a believer in the power of asparagus yet? Well if not maybe Jemima’s prediction for Euro 2024 will sway you once it inevitably comes true; because according to Jemima and the power of her asparagus, England are set to win the whole damn thing! Gareth Southgate and The Three Lions will end 58 years of hurt this summer!

Here’s Jemima in her own words:

“I have had lots of people asking me how England might do at the Euros so I have been analysing the spears very closely.

“And they keep pointing to three words in particular – ‘It’s Coming Home’.

“England fans have every right to be positive and optimistic if the spears are anything to go by. The spears keep giving positive readings.”

F*cking get in! Not such good news for a team north of the border, unfortunately, with Fiona adding:

“As for Scotland, no comment.”

How does Jemima’s asparagus sorcery work exactly, anyway?

When I cast the asparagus, it creates patterns and it is the patterns I interpret. I’m able to interpret the patterns left by the asparagus

I am usually about 75-90 per cent accurate with my predictions. I go through my predictions each year and think: ‘Yep, that’s happened, yep, that’s happened.’

Occasionally I get one slightly off, where I haven’t quite read it correctly, but I’m never far off.

Well, there you have it. I don’t know about you but I’m fully on board with Jemima’s prediction for the Euros and fully expect it to come true. Congratulations Harry Kane and co, in advance! It’s coming home!

For the psychic who told a woman to ‘make the most of the next three years’ after she asked for a refund, click HERE. What a mind f***.



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