I can’t really remember ever thinking it would be funny to prank a bunch of random people in a club on a night out, but if I did I think I would come up with something better than what we can see in the video below.
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As we all know, it was St Patrick’s Day last week and everyone decided to go out partying to the clubs to drink themselves silly. One girl thought that it would be a good way to celebrate by putting the brightest lipstick she could find on, then going around the club and kissing guys on the back and leaving a big lipstick stain right there and then.
Take a look at the ‘hilarious’ prank footage below:
@littlewanklipstick bandit was on the LOOSE at pj’s
Yeah, I’m not really sure how that’s funny for the girl involved and why she thought it was necessary to film it because it’s just a bit ‘meh’ really isn’t it? Maybe I’m being a bit of a grouch here but it just isn’t that funny?
Anyway, quite a few people have called her out in the comments, saying that she’s just going to get all the boys in trouble with their girlfriends for having lipstick on their collars. She’s also been criticised for kissing them without consent and ruining their shirts – both of which fairly valid concerns. You can only imagine the outcry if a guy was going around doing this and yes, although that is more problematic for obvious reasons, you should probably still hold this girl to the same standards.
Mainly though, we should be condemning her for coming up with such an absolutely basic prank. Come on, anyone can do better than that with a little bit of thinking time surely? It’s absolutely pathetic, even if it does kinda look like she was on pills so maybe cut her a little bit of slack. Maybe.
For more of the same, check out when this YouTuber thought it would be funny to snog his mom. Another terrible ‘prank’.