Woman, 25, Arrested After Nigel Farage Attacked With Banana Milkshake



Remember back in 2019 when throwing milkshake on Nigel Farage, Tommy Robinson, and other right-wing personalities was the hottest meme of the year? Whilst it was pretty amusing to watch, it’s probably not the best way to act towards people you disagree with politically, but it now seems like this trend is making a comeback.

Earlier today, a young lady ran up on Nigel Farage and lobbed a McDonald’s banana milkshake all over him outside a Wetherspoons in Clacton, Essex:

Two people have now reportedly been arrested over the incident: the 25-year-old woman in the clip who chucked the milkshake, and a man who assaulted an emergency worker as officers responded to the incident. Which is fair enough, really. I mean, it’s a slippery slope if we start allowing people to dash milkshakes at politicians in public. What if the next person who takes inspiration from this stunt decided to use acid or some other corrosive substance instead of a milkshake?

Meanwhile, Nigel Farage just put this up on his Twitter:

What a troll. Of course the most incredible part about this all is that there’s a McDonald’s with a working milkshake machine somewhere in Essex. Suppose it’s pretty great PR for them to have this revealed via a milkshake attack on Nigel Farage. Fair play.

For more milkshakes, check out this McDonald’s customer being served the most revolting looking milkshake of all time. WTF is that?



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