Screaming Woman Spits At Airport Security And Asks If She’s Hot Enough To Kiss (VIDEO)



Some interesting questions posed in this clip, to be fair. Is this lady hot enough? Would you kiss her? Who’s the head honcho around here, anyway? That last question is especially valid anytime you’re being arrested/dragged out of an airport by a crew of security; who handled the situation terribly, btw. If just one of them had simply kissed her as she requested, it would have been so validating that the situation could’ve been diffused immediately. Someone needs to speak to the head honcho about that, whoever he is.

What I really want to know though is what sparked this situation in the first place? I’m guessing it’s no coincidence that this incident is taking place at the bar. As the Tweet caption says; a lot of weird sh*t happening at airports recently. Is there a sadistic hypnotist out there somewhere just messing with people?

Could explain the ‘reptilian passenger’ sighted on an American Airlines flight last week. Spooky.



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