Wild Footage Of Man Going On Stabbing Rampage At Protest In Germany Today



Absolute chaos in Mannheim, Germany today as a knifeman was shot by police after going on a stabbing rampage at an anti-Islam protest that was being livestreamed on YouTube.

As you can see, the attacker managed to do substantial damage to a number of people before police eventually got the situation under control:

[Warning – extremely graphic footage]

Shout out to that police officer who managed to tackle the complete wrong guy and ended up being stabbed in the neck for his troubles. Although I guess those sorts of mistakes can happen when your adrenalin is pumping and you have no clue what’s actually going on until you get there and have to react immediately.

Still, it does seem a very unfortunate and avoidable error given the cops all turned up together with the assailant scuffling with someone else. Amazingly, the innocent man in blue still had the wherewithal to throw the knife aside when he got a moment to himself.

According to Bild, the main target of the attack was Islam critic Michael Stürzenberger. Fortunately, there were no deaths, but at least three people required medical treatment at the scene, including the police officer.

Big up the cameraman who managed to stay calm and present and film the whole thing, and we wish a speedy recovery to everyone who was hurt during the incident (aside from the knifeman, I suppose).

For the knife-wielding man in Southwark who was tackled by a massive group of off-duty police officers who happened to be near by, click HERE.



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