Why Halloween Is The Shittest Festival Of The Year



Teaching Kids Bullshit

Halloween Sucks - Demons Inferno

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This could go for all of the major religious festivals really. And it’s something that annoys me more and more as I get older. Why is it OK to tell kids that they need to dress up like idiots and set fire to things to scare of non-existent demons?

Is it really such a great idea to tell kids that demons are real? Because, in case you have forgotten, there’s no such thing as ghosts, demons, fairies, monsters or Gods. Kids have enough to deal with, trying to work out what’s going on in this mad world of ours, without having to wade through weird lies about demonic possession.

In the classroom you aren’t allowed to preach to kids, so why is it suddenly OK for an entire continent to make up shit and spread it to the sponge-like minds of kids?

Sure, we all like a nice fairytale, but that’s where it should stop. Fucking demons? FFS.



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