Here’s Why A Dog’s Life Is Better Than Yours



We Pick Up Their Turds (LOL)

Dogs Are Best - Picking Up Poop

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Imagine walking around and shitting on the ground and then a human has to pick it up and put it in a bag. HA. Priceless. That’s a good enough reason to be reincarnated as a dog by itself.

I like it best when one of those dim-witted air-skulls has a tiny yappy dog. It poops. They have to bend down in ridiculous heels and scrape the festering liquid shit off the floor. That is bloody brilliant. Not so cool now are you?

Their handbag, on the one hand, probably cost a grand; on the other hand, the dog shit was totally free. Priceless.

Well done dogs. Keep it up. Sorry for bad mouthing you. Any animal that walked 200 miles across Russia unaided is OK with me.



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