An Ancient Partnership
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All dogs are descended from wolves. That’s cool. Whilst we’re descended from shit throwing apes, dogs get their pedigree from ancient killers. Awesome.
At some point in the distant past, whilst we were still hunting and gathering, some brave wolves encroached on human habitations. Perhaps they wanted the warmth of the fire or the scraps from our kills. Either way, the more docile wolves were steadily welcomed into our camps. We gave them food and warmth, and they protected us at night. Boom. Our relationship with dogs was born.
Over years and years and years, the more chilled wolves were bred together to create better and safer dogs, or dogs that could do certain tasks better than others. Our accidental genetics project spawned all the weird and wonderful dog breeds we have today.
Modern dogs are more closely related to ancient extinct wolf species than they are to modern wolf species. How cool is that?