I think everyone can agree that getting cheated by your spouse on absolutely sucks, but there’s probably better ways to deal with it than doing a massive shit in a bucket and then throwing it all over your husband.
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This is the way that the woman in the video below has chosen to address her problem though and it makes for a pretty funny three minute video as she actually films herself taking a crap into the bucket and talking about it, followed by another minute of her walking through her house to the front door to greet the guy and pumping herself up for the big act. Take a look at it below:
OK, so that was a bit of an anticlimax I’m not gonna lie and also the husband kinda looked like he was smiling when he ran towards the door and started banging on it, but I just love the fact that the woman brought one of her mates around to hype her up for the main event. Girl didn’t even question the fact that the woman was taking a shit into a bucket and throwing it over her husband and just got her pumped up for it the whole time during the video. That’s loyalty – I hope everyone has someone like that in their lives.
For more of the same, check out when this guy tried to throw shit at a judge for sentencing him to forty years in jail. Like that was going to accomplish anything positive.