Whilst self driving Teslas seem like they’re a good idea in practice, the implementation of them into modern life has been a bit less than ideal.
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The video below is taken from over in the Guangdong province of China, where a self driving Tesla seemingly attempts to park, but then without any warning suddenly begins to accelerate through the street faster and faster, before eventually smashing into another car. Two people were killed during the incident and another three injured, with the driver of the car being one of the ones that made it out alive.
Take a look at the distressing footage below:
This video of a Tesla trying to park and instead taking off at high speed, killing two people seems to keep getting deleted, weird!
pic.twitter.com/SGEcZcx6Zq— Read Jackson Rising by @CooperationJXN (@JoshuaPHilll) November 13, 2022
Geez that really is crazy isn’t it because the car is literally speeding so fast through the streets right there without any way for it to stop really? Absolutely no way that whoever is driving it meant for that to happen because it’s just way, way too fast.
Anyway, an unnamed family member of the driver has apparently said that he was having trouble with the brakes and constantly trying to press them during the incident, but this hasn’t been confirmed by anyone. Elon Musk and Tesla have said that you can clearly see that the brake lights aren’t on in the video but have promised to provide any assistance required with the investigation. We’ll see how that goes, but as you can see from the comment on the video above, it keeps disappearing from Twitter so I’m not sure if Musk’s statement is 100% accurate.
I wouldn’t pick up a self driving Tesla just yet if I was you, although it’s probably worth noting that this is just one case and there are loads of them out there that this isn’t happening with. Only need one though don’t you?
For more of the same, check out this guy who was fast asleep in his Tesla when it was going 75 mph down the motorway. Is that sensible behaviour too?