I’m all for veganism, but I thin it’s going a bit too far when people are breaking into farms and trying to free animals from captivity – that’s totally messing with people’s livelihoods and ways of life and there’s no quick fix there. The change has to be gradual.
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So I can understand why farmers get majorly annoyed when people are all up in their grill trying to mess with their animals, but I don’t think there’s ever really any excuse for the levels of violence featured in this story concerning a vegan activist who was shot at by a farmer over in Spain.
Mia broke into a rabbit farm along with some other activists and the farmer wasn’t too happy about it – he strangled several activists and hit a few others with a metal pole. However, the worst assault came when Mia was driving her car away from the farm and one of the farmers followed her down the motorway and fired a shotgun through her window, spraying glass everywhere.
Mia was distraught that she uploaded a live Instagram post from her car shortly after the attack:
I mean I’m still not really sure how I feel about this one but probably the same as I did at the start of the article. Stealing stuff – even if it’s a rabbit – isn’t cool and she should be punished, but I don’t think that the right response is to literally try and kill her. Two wrongs don’t make a right so maybe call the police or take her to court or something. Cool down dude.
For more of the same, check out the BBQ that’s happening outside a vegan woman’s house because she complained about her neighbour cook meat. Serves her right.