2. Pimpin’ Ain’t
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6h6yfE_axs’]
The family tree of Zu collaborations and side projects can only be triumphed in its confusion by that of Woody Allen’s own personal family tree (where his step-daughter is now his wife, her siblings are now her children, his ex-wife is now his mother-in-law, and his mother-in-law is now grandmother to her ex-husbands children who are respectively her other children’s nieces/nephews/cousins/step-siblings all at once… or something… erm, Google it. But you get the point I’m sure). A handful of their connections include: British Knights, Chippy Nonstop, King Krule, Moko, Oneman, Raider Klan, Ratking, Speakz and Wavy Spice.