Underrated Rappers You Need To Know About: THEillUZiON



It’s been a while since we added to the collection of rappers you need to know about, but we’re back and once again find ourselves on the eastcoast seeking out talent. Salomon Faye and Enasni Leber power up to make THEillUZiON, a duo piece from NYC who stand together but – for the most part – act alone.

☛ More From The ‘Underrated’ Series:

Underrated Rappers: OverDoz.

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The days of crowded nights at Apostrophe may have been unceremoniously ripped away from the city’s grasp with the ever growing pull of words like ‘gentrification’, but the integral players still remain. Under this back story, it could seem that THEillUZiON are trying to mock a mirage made by the officials to block and repress the disturbances and uprooted culture within the city (as we’ve seen with places like 5 pointz) by voicing a clear and more truthful narrative. At times, their lyrics come like a guerrilla documentary – so I’ve selected five tracks, that shall act as our scenes through their message.

5. Hopeless Romantic


We’ve all been there, someone special makes us share our genitals with them and then they treat our genitals (and our hearts, and our emotions and our fears) with an utter lack of respect. These types of people don’t seem to realise that your genitals only come for free because you ain’t no prostitute. But damn, the way they act can make you wish you were. They owe you big time, and at least as a whore you would have been paid back. ‘Hopeless Romantic’ covers this sort of bubbling post-breakup retrospective anger – but in better more manly words.



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