In news that will no doubt make everyone who hasn’t got one of these completely dumb hairstyles really stoked, the top knot/man bun/dickhead identifier is actually causing those who choose to wear it to go bald.
It’s all down to the tension on the hair follicles which is caused by wrapping them up into a top knot. This leads to a condition called traction alopecia which causes acute bald spots around the forehead and temples. Sabra Sullivan, a dermatologist from Jackson, Mississippi explains:
It’s really, really common.
I see it probably once or twice a week.
They’re putting traction on the hair follicles that the hair is not really meant to take.
Traction alopecia in men is becoming more common and man buns are at least partly to blame.
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Ouch. If you were thinking about getting a top knot sometime soon then I hope this has forced you to reconsider. Wait a minute who am I kidding? If you were thinking about getting a top knot I actually hope you don’t reconsider and go through with it and end up bald because you’re clearly a dickhead for even considering it. The only good thing that has ever happened to do with topknots is this prank where some South African guy ran around chopping people’s off.
On a serious note though, females are actually a lot more likely to suffer from traction alopecia than men due to wearing ponytails because prolonged pulling of the hair backward and upward again causes unwanted tension on the hair follicles. If you’re a girl, be careful with that kind of stuff.