Tommy Robinson ‘Sacked’ By Muslim Tax Advisor For ‘Stoking Far-Right Riots’



Tommy Robinson can’t be racist – his tax advisor is Muslim! Or rather, his ex-tax advisor, who has this week decided she ‘can not in good conscience’ continue to represent him as he ‘destroys’ the country.

Jesminara Rahman, who specialises in tax disputes, said she didn’t want to work with the former English Defence League leader after he was accused of stoking up the race riots seen across the UK over the last week.

Jesminara Rahman - Tommy Robinson's tax advsior pics handout from Daniel Sanderson

Interestingly, this news was ‘accidentally’ revealed via Tommy himself as he tried to post messages of ‘love and support’ onto his X account. Among those messages, he happened to include a text from Rahman in which she informed him she was withdrawing her services and returning his deposit…

The text in full:

Makes you wonder whether Tommy actually shared this screenshot on purpose in order to dox Jesmin Rahman, although she has since spoken to MailOnline about the whole thing so maybe she’s not too bothered either way. Rahman told the publication she was advising Tommy on a matter relating to his ex-wife Jenna Lennon, but confirmed: ‘I don’t want to work with him anymore. His deposit has been returned.’

Fair play to Rahman for doing what she believes is right, but it’s still a little surprising that she was happy to work with Tommy in the first place despite (presumably) knowing about him already. Maybe she only had a vague idea and decided to do all her research recently?


Tommy Robinson flew out to Cyprus last Sunday and is now chilling at a £400-a-night all-inclusive resort in Ayia Napa while the carnage continues around the UK. In the process, he failed to appear at the Royal Courts of Justice on Monday, after being accused of breaching the terms of a 2021 court order imposed when he was sued by Syrian refugee Jamal Hijazi for making false claims about him.

Tommy was made to pay Mr Hijazi £100,000 and was barred from repeating the allegations, but has since done so a bunch of times anyway. What happens when/if Tommy decided to return to the UK? Will they be waiting to arrest him at the airport? Feels like this whole thing is only going to escalate from here, that’s for sure…

For the patriot who got absolutely roasted for getting a Tommy Robinson ‘Enemy of the State’ tattoo on his leg, click HERE.



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