Tommy Robinson Arrested In Canada On Suspicion Of Immigration Offences



I’m not sure how Tommy Robinson managed to get into Canada given his criminal record, but he was today ironically arrested in the country on suspicion of immigration charges.

Footage posted online shows Robinson – real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon – being handcuffed by two plain-clothed police officers who explain to the 41-year-old that he is the subject of ‘an outstanding immigration warrant’.

Shortly after, however, Robinson shared this Tweet announcing he had been released and doesn’t know what’s going on:

Before his arrest, Robinson had been speaking at an event in Calgary called ‘An Evening with Tommy Robinson’, organised by Rebel News and its founder Ezra Levant.

Could be Tommy travelled on someone else’s passport again, which earned him a 10-month prison sentence in 2012 after he admitted using a friend’s passport to travel to the US. Of course, he’ll spin it as the Canadian government working with the UK to shut down his “freedom of speech” and whatnot, although on the flipside, he may actually be pleased to see a country cracking down on illegal immigration for once.

I guess we’ll find out more about what the issue was in due course. In the meantime, it looks like Jordan Peterson wants to have a chat with him later on:

How fun.

For the British patriot who was being roasted for getting a Tommy Robinson ‘Enemy of the State’ tattoo on his leg, click HERE. Bet he’s feeling like the f***ing man right now.



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