Tom DeLonge Claims His Life Is In Danger Because Of His Knowledge Of Aliens



You have Modlife, your web platform that helps bands make more money through social media and merchandise, you’ve had various clothing companies, you have your multimedia project To The Stars and you have two different bands. You’ve talked a lot about how tough it is to convince people that you’re not just a Blink-182 party guy but also a serious businessman. When you bring in the fact that you believe this stuff, does it ever feel like you’re making it harder on yourself? 

I don’t think so. The smartest people I know are into this stuff. Because they’re more universally aware. The more educated you are, then you tend to understand how vulnerable and insignificant we are as human beings.

Do you think the moon landing is real or do you think NASA faked it?

I think it’s real, absolutely. People have to understand: you know that the Department of Defense is bigger than Apple, right? So when Apple releases an iPhone, Apple will plan it out and spend billions of dollars and get thousands of people to figure how to tell that story, how to manage that story and how to get their point across. There’s nothing different in the Department of Defense when it does something big. So when we landed on the moon, they’re gonna go and give you something to chew on. They’re gonna go out and find a conspiracy. They’re gonna plan out the conspiracy. They made everybody think that we never went there. That way, when you ask questions, you’re asking questions they want you to ask. They didn’t want the conspiracy to be the real fucking question, which is, “What was there when we got there?” They place the conspiracy, just like 9/11. The main thing is that terrorists did it, the backup story conspiracy they fed you was, “No, it was an inside job.” What’s the third story? Another nation state? An extra nation-state? You know? Who did that?

Do you think in your lifetime we will publicly make contact with an alien life form?

I think we already have. Whether or not that will be published or not, I have no idea. I think absolutely it’s been happening forever. It’s been happening with individuals all over the world, it’s been happening with governments to some degree. I don’t think we’re working underground with aliens. I don’t think it’s like that, like some dumb conspiracy theorists think. I think what’s gonna happen, mark my words, is that they’re going to find the microbial life that’s they’ve been talking about on Mars and then, it’s one planet over. We’re gonna send people up there, and we’re gonna find remnants of other types of life. But really, what’s going to be there are remnants of other civilizations: architecture, old monuments, machinery, things that have been fossilized, whatever, and then that will get dripped out for another 30 to 40 years. Maybe there was a civilization there.

If we were to make contact with alien life forms, is there anything you would want to ask any of them if you had the opportunity?

Hmm, that’s a good question. I don’t know what I would ask them. I’d ask them, “How did it all start?” I bet you they wouldn’t even know.



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