Today’s Top 4 Crap Celebrity News Items #4



3) Maths

NBon-news - celebrity - Carol Vorderman

Website: Daily Mail Online

Headline: She’s making quite the Animal Crossing: Carol Vorderman walks the red carpet in a leopard print dress at the BAFTA Games Award

More Fitting Headline: Shamed TV host wears clothes

Summary: Apparently, and you can quote me on this, Vorderman made a pact with the devil to keep her beautiful looks for all of the remainder of time. All she had to do was overstate the scientific properties of a certain margarine on a TV advert. At the moment she looks “good for her age” but in 50 years time when she still looks exactly the same, people are going to start talking. And WTF is she doing at the Games Awards anyway?

Quote To Note: “Pulling focus: Carol made sure her curves drew the most attention, thanks to her low cut dress”.

Favourite Reader’s Comments: “Can someone please make the carper 10,000 miles longer and let her walk off into the distance she we dont have to see her”. What’s a “carper”?

 â˜› Next: Today’s Top 4 Crap Celebrity News Items #3



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