Marvel’s highly-anticipated action film Thor 4: Love and Thunder, the fourth film in the blockbuster Thor series, has officially been delayed until 2022. The lengthy delay is the result of Disney rearranging its entire release schedule due to the ongoing closure of movie theatres, and follows the delay of other major Disney releases Mulan and Black Widow to 2021 and 2022 respectively.
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Although the second Thor instalment, Thor: The Dark World, was very poorly received by critics, the previous film Thor: Ragnarök was a smash-hit among critics and fans alike. This means that Chris Hemsworth’s extensive global fanbase is likely to be bitterly disappointed by the delay, which likely means that they will be waiting at least another two years before they can sink their teeth into the fourth film.
If you were looking forward to the release of Thor: Love and Thunder, here are some ways that you can deal with the disappointment and tide yourself over until 2022.
1. Play Thor: God of Thunder
If you’re looking to keep the blues at bay until 2022, one of the best ways to do so is by booting up the classic Xbox 360 title Thor: God of Thunder. Although it was first released back in 2011, the action-packed fighter game features all of the most beloved elements from the original movie. Chris Hemsworth voices the main man himself, who you get to control in your mission to defend Asgard from the mythical monsters and evil demigods that threaten to tear it apart.
2. Play the Thunderstruck Online Slot Game
If the original Thor film ignited your love of Norse mythology, then you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to play Thunderstruck slot online. This popular five-reel slot game features all of the classic symbols, imagery, and music that Thor fans associate with the film series. Of all of the slot reel icons that can net players bonuses and prizes, the highest-paying ones include the Castle of Thor, the Viking Horn, and the Thor Symbol. If you can’t wait until 2022 to return to the weird and wonderful land of Asgard, this is the game to try out.
3. Dive Into the Thor Comic Book Canon
As any true fan will know, Thor began life as a hit Marvel comic book series all the way back in 1962. If you’re unfamiliar with the comic book canon, it’s worth noting that most of the story arcs are considerably darker than what you might be used to seeing on the silver screen, with no shortage of violence and gore. Nonetheless, diving into 60 years’ worth of printed Thor action should be more than enough to keep you going until 2022.
4. Re-Watch the Marvel Films All Over Again
Finally, you can always use this time to host a Netflix Party and re-watch the first three Thor films all over again. Re-live the joy of the first instalment, the humour of the second, and the sinister thrills of the third film to get you prepared for the fourth. Don’t worry, we won’t blame you if you decide to skip The Dark World.
Hopefully, these activities should help sustain your Thor cravings until Love and Thunder hits the big screen. Make sure to watch this space for updates.