This Summary Of What Andrew Tate’s Accomplice Georgiana Did To A Victim Is Absolutely Horrific



A summary of the punishment inflicted by a female accomplice of Andrew & Tristan Tate on a victim who refused to webcam for them is going viral, after text was leaked from the brothers’ human trafficking case currently being conducted in Romania.

Under instruction from Tristan Tate, Naghel Georgiana Manuela allegedly beat the victim up, and at one point raised the victim’s arm in an attempt to rip the stitches open on a wound from a recent breast implant operation:

Awful stuff, and relatively recent too (2021), which undermines the Tate argument that they haven’t been involved in the webcam game for 10 years. Of course it’s important to note that these are all allegations at this point and that the investigation by DIICOT is still ongoing, with no trial having taken place yet. But given it’s just one of countless incidents listed in the indictments, it’s not looking good for the Tate brothers or for their accomplices Georgiana and Luana.


Here’s what Andrew Tate alone is accused of and charged with currently – for which he faces 30 years in Romanian prison:

– trafficking humans, in continuous form

– r*pe, in continuous form

– trafficking in minors

– sexual intercourse with a minor

– forming an organised criminal group

– money laundering

– attempted bribery of public officials

– witness tampering

Not to worry though – they’ve still got their fanboys sticking up for them on social media:

Not to mention – Georgiana’s Instagram page has skyrocketed to 6,691 followers! Although she doesn’t seem to have posted anything new for a while. Wonder why?

For the leaked WhatsApp messages between Andrew & Tristan Tate which are particularly damning, click HERE.



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