The Trailer For Tim Dillon’s New Jerry Springer-Style Netflix Show Is Here & It Looks Outrageous



Tim Dillon is one of the funniest comedians on the planet right now and, if you think about it, the perfect choice to host a Jerry Springer-style show where he gets to mock and provoke the dumbest people in America for our entertainment.

Here’s the trailer for the “totally unscripted” new Netflix show – ‘This Is Your Country’:

He had us at “Hello Pigs”.

Again, I don’t think there’s ever been a format of television that’s more perfectly suited to a comedian than this show is suited to Tim Dillon. The guy is so ruthlessly and brutally funny it’s unreal. So it’s great that he’s finally got his own show on Netflix, let alone one where he gets to demoralise his own country and exhibit that at least some Americans are self-aware enough to know what a laughing stock the USA is.

The only issue I can think of is that the internet has so ruined the dignity of American people that would a show like Jerry Springer even work in this day and age? Fighting? See it online every day. Cheating? Yawn. Being a crap parent? Oh, the usual. Making a fool of yourself for attention? Literally happening 24/7 on our smartphones.

I guess it will have to be ‘Jerry Springer on steroids’ if this show is going to work, so let’s see how it goes when the first episode drops on Netflix on October 1st. Maybe there’ll be naked fighting on stage? We can only hope.

For the Jerry Springer episode that was so controversial that it got banned, click HERE.



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