Five Reasons Why The Internet Is Keeping You Unemployed





Back in the good old days of unemployment that I’ve experienced from watching Brassed Off and Mike Leigh’s Naked, if you wanted to meet up with mates, whether they were unemployed or not, you had to leave the house. But seeing as you didn’t have any money, this would mean one of three things.

1) You’d have to walk the entire way to their house to have a beer and a cig… not fun in this weather (AMIRITE?).

2) You’d have to meet at a mutual location, somewhere like a Wetherspoons, where you then have to endure the embarrassment of not being able to pay for a damn thing. If you’re both unemployed, that’s great – just minesweep your way around the joint. If not, scrub like you don’t give a shit what TLC think of you.

3) You get a fucking job and pay for you own damn beer / transport.

I’ve lost count of the hours I’ve spent talking to my fellow deadbeats online, bitching about the state of the job market, boosting each other when it comes to filling out that next holy grail of an application, and occasionally talking about how when we get our next tumblr off the ground everything will be smooth sailing. I’ve spent so long doing this, that I now get scared of leaving the house to meet people in the real world, especially as the hours of sedentary inactivity and on-offer Doritos sharepacks have taken their toll. How will I deal with an interview if I’m worried about meeting my oldest friends? I don’t fucking know.

☛ Check This Out Next: Women And Men Screwing Dogs And Becoming Internet Superstars

Facebook. For connecting people. Fuck you.



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