The Darwin Awards: Stupid Ways To Die #3



Scooter Rage

Darwin Awards Ken Charles Barger - Scooter death

This video did the rounds on the net a few years back but it’s well worth a repeat. A 40-year-old scooter driver in South Korea was mega miffed that the lift’s doors had shut and gone without him. So like any normal, well-balanced person he vented his spleen at the benign doors by ramming them. It turns out that lift doors are nowhere near as sturdy as you might think. Bad plan.

The thing that makes this so dumb is that when he rams the doors the first time they buckle heavily, they looks like they will break. At that point I would have decided not to ram it again because I know the lift isn’t there to catch me. I know there’s nothing on the other side of that door but air and a long drop. But oh no, he goes back for ram raid numero dos and pays a hefty price.


☛ Watch Next: Completely Insane Scooter Freestyle Sessions



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