The Creator Of The New Hottest Pepper On Earth Collapsed After Eating One On ‘Hot Ones’



Guinness World Records has this week declared Pepper X the world’s hottest chilli pepper, dethroning the (much cooler-sounding) Carolina Reaper following its 10-year reign.

Like any sane person, I want nothing to do with this pepper. It measures in at an average of 2.693 million Scoville Heat Units, which is 3x hotter than the Carolina Reaper. Funnily enough, it was created by the same “scientists” who created the Carolina Reaper, with co-creator Ed Currie claiming he was feeling the heat for 3.5 hours after eating a Pepper X on ‘Hot Ones’. Not only was his mouth on fire, he said his stomach was cramping because his body was trying to get rid of what it thought was poison. After filming, he says he took 10 steps outside and collapsed in the street. Here he is describing the experience:

Pretty wild when you consider this guy is a “professional” pepper eater who lives for eating and creating the hottest peppers in the world. Here’s the episode itself which also gives you a good idea as to how devastating Pepper X can be to anyone brave enough to consume it:

With any luck, the Pepper X will wipe out a few influencers who are dumb enough to try it on their channels in order to go viral. Should be fun.

For the couple who found a live frog living inside a green pepper, click HERE. How the hell does that happen?



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