Terrifying Moment ‘XL Bully’ Dog Attacks Man On Station Platform As He Tries To Help Woman Control Her Pets



If you can’t keep your dogs under control, it seems like a pretty bad idea to take them onto the London underground. Case in point – this incident at Stratford International station in London the other night.

This poor man was just trying to be nice and get this girl’s number by holding onto one of her dogs while she put the other one in a harness, but he ended up completely regretting that decision and legging it down the platform screaming for help:

I mean, it probably wasn’t a great idea for a guy who likely has zero experience to dogs to swirl the dog around by its lead while walking away from its owner, but then it seems like the dog was already gunning for him judging by the feathers from his Canada Goose jacket raining down on the platform.

Thankfully the woman managed to get both dogs under control in the end, which is just as well because this could have ended up a whole lot worse. Still, it’s more bad PR for big dogs in the UK. Should there at least be a law where certain breeds are required to wear a muzzle at all times in public?

P.S. I’m not actually sure if that’s an XL Bully but that’s what the Metro and Mirror ran with so we’ll go with that until it’s reported otherwise.

For the dog who has to wear an ‘I’m not an XL Bully’ badge because he keeps getting dirty looks from strangers, click HERE.



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