
Flat Earthers Are Being Mocked After SpaceX Launch Proves The Earth Isn’t Flat

It’s still kind of crazy that the Flat Earth movement is still a thing in 2020, but as we all know there are countless Facebook groups and forums dedicated to exposing the truth about how they perceive the composition of the Earth to really exist. Featured Image VIA You might have thought that the recent

Flat Earthers Are Being Mocked After SpaceX Launch Proves The Earth Isn’t Flat Read More »

Florida Man Who Claimed Coronavirus Is A Hoax Changes His Mind From Hospital Bed

Despite the fact that it’s all anyone has been talking about for the last three months and there has been enough video evidence of hospitals being totally overwhelmed by it with multiple people on ventilators etc, there are still loads of people out there questioning whether Coronavirus is real because that’s just how people act

Florida Man Who Claimed Coronavirus Is A Hoax Changes His Mind From Hospital Bed Read More »

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