
TMZ Paparazzi Testifies He Received A Tip Off For Amber Heard Bruise Photo-Op

The Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial is winding down right now but there are still some key witnesses being called by Johnny Depp’s team with the latest one to take the stand former TMZ employee Morgan Tremaine. Featured Image VIA  Tremaine used to be in charge of 20 paparazzi in Los Angeles and explains that he

TMZ Paparazzi Testifies He Received A Tip Off For Amber Heard Bruise Photo-Op Read More »

Thandie Newton Fired From Magic Mike 3 After ‘Vicious’ Fight With Channing Tatum Over Will Smith Slap

Really weird story here as actress Thandie Newton has been sacked from the new Magic Mike movie after getting into a heated argument with Channing Tatum about Will Smith’s slap of Chris Rock at the Oscars. According to the NY Post, the argument reached “astonishing” and “unimaginably vicious” levels, causing Tatum to walk off the

Thandie Newton Fired From Magic Mike 3 After ‘Vicious’ Fight With Channing Tatum Over Will Smith Slap Read More »