This might put an age old debate to rest, or it might just make it worse, but in a league table of 272 regions of the EU, Scotland has been rated way higher than England when it comes to quality of life. Even though the weather’s shitter.
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According to the 2016 EU Regional Social Progress Index, Scottish residents have better education, are more liberal and tolerant to minorities and they have more personal freedom.
When asked how satisfied people were with regards to how they lived their lives, including matters such as religion, homosexuality, the gender gap, attitudes towards people with disabilities and accessing birth control, those who lived in Scotland scored a lot higher.
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The findings weren’t entirely in favour of the Scots – the report also showed that their happiness came at a cost of lower life expectancy and lower personal safety. As in, up north you’re more likely to die from a car accident and the nutrition and basic medical care is the lowest in the UK. So I guess it just comes down to what you’d rather – a longer, less happy life, or a shorter, freer one.
And if you’re sitting here trying to argue that England is better, just be aware that Wales came last in the survey. So any of you Welsh readers out there – we’re sorry, apparently you live in the shittest place in the UK. Don’t blame me, I didn’t make the report.
I would’ve predicted these results anyway, purely based on the fact that Scottish people get to go to university for free, while all of us suckers are in hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of debt. Nice one government.
For more on Scotland, did you know Kim Jong-un is opening a restaurant there? That will be weird.