You generally think that when it comes to the population of the nation’s universities that they tend to be a bit more woke and learned than the rest of the world, but this article proves that uneducated and racist people exist in all annals of society.
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19 year old Sebastian Walsh is claiming to be a victim of prejudice after the University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) suspended him after they received complaints from several other students about his Islamophobia, particularly in regards to the fact that KFC and Subway both served halal meat. UKIP member Walsh had this to say:
All I did was voice my opinions during debates about immigration.
I am totally against halal meat because I think it’s cruel – it’s an inhumane and barbaric way of slaughtering animals.
In another seminar class, we had a discussion about the privatisation of the NHS and I simply said I don’t think free healthcare should be available to immigrants.
These are views held by many people in the public and I believe I should be able to express them freely.
I feel completely victimised by my university.
Freedom of speech is a human right and I am determined to stand by this.
I will be fighting the university’s decision on this to make sure others aren’t punished for their opinions in future.
I mean I suppose he has got a point there but when you look at the fact that his accumulated views are clearly just props for his racism then I’m not so sure the issue is quite so black and white (excuse my pun). The fact is that the university offered to reinstate Walsh if he attended a diversity course and he refused to do so, citing his right to free speech.
Sure, I get that as well but is it free speech when it’s clearly racist? I guess that’s a debate for another time, but I don’t think the university are doing anything wrong other than trying to teach someone who is quite clearly racist about the error of his ways.
Sebastian intends to take the matter to court and is being backed by UKIP on this. Of course he is. UKIP treasurer Neil Graham was keen to point out that the government signed a document this week to protect free speech in higher education. Hopefully they defined free speech as not including racist rhetoric, but I doubt it.
For more of the same, check out this reindeer kebab. Not sure if it’s halal, but you know it’s gonna taste good.