The Horrors Of Stoning: Past And Present




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The Jewish holy book – the Torah – is not at all shy when it comes to stoning. Here is a small selection of the naughty things you could do that would find you buried in sand and being pelted by stones:

  • Touching Mount Sinai while God was giving Moses the Ten Commandments – we missed that one so we’re safe there at least.
  • An ox that gores someone to death should be stoned – OK, we’re fine here too, sometimes I can be a bit bullish, but I have no plans to gore anyone.
  • Breaking Sabbath – ah…. that might be an issue, there’s so many ways to “break” the Sabbath I wouldn’t know if I was in trouble or not? There’s 39 Sabbath breakers in total and they include things like planting seeds, shearing, reaping and ploughing which I’m pretty sure I can avoid. But they also cover things like cooking, writing and igniting a fire which I’m afraid to say I have probably broken on most Sabbaths that I have ever been awake through.  You’re also not allowed to do any winnowing or sifting which is a shame….
  • “Rebellion” against parents – that’s bleak, here’s the bible quote to back that bad boy up:

Stoning - Religion - Torah - Bible - Deuteronomy

Quite, quite chilling. God is love etc.

☛ More: Human Sacrifice: A Long And Bloody History



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