I don’t really know anyone who uses Bing instead of Google, which is perhaps why the second class search engine chose to upload the following picture for their homepage – as a way to attract attention.
Images VIA
If that is the case then it appears that they succeeded. The new homepage snap shows a picturesque beach landscape on Brač Island in Croatia, but when you look closer…
What is that?
Someone has drawn a massive penis in the sand. Can’t see it? Take a closer look:
Yep, someone’s definitely sculpted a massive penis in the sand, which clearly was not spotted by Bing. What a cock up. Unless as said it was a way to attract attention to the otherwise uneventful search engine, in which case well done Bing. You’ve certainly got our attention.
For the time a news company accidentally tweeted a dick pic for a story about female empowerment, click HERE.