Southport Rioter Gets Hit In The Balls With A Flying Brick As He Tries To Intimidate Row Of Police Officers



I know the cause of the riots in Southport is very serious, but I couldn’t help but burst out laughing at this clip of a rioter getting hit by two brick 10 seconds – once in the head and then in the groin – as he tried to give it large to police.

Possibly the funniest case of friendly fire you will ever see:

Pure comedy gold. I actually felt bad when he got nailed in the head but when that second brick arrived square on his balls I just couldn’t stop laughing. Hopefully the external pain from the nut shot distracted him from the potential brain damage caused by the first brick, but then again, he might already be brain damaged if he think it’s a good idea to stand in front of riot police while dozens of people are throwing bricks at them.

Again, the riots themselves are no laughing matter. Dozens of police officers have been injured, cars have been set on fire, and a mosque has been attacked, all because someone incorrectly identified the Southport nursery attacker on social media and claimed he came to England on a boat as a refugee. All we actually know about the attacker for sure is that he’s 17, was born in Wales, and that his parents are from Rwanda, which has a 2% Muslim population. Unfortunately, these rioters either didn’t get the memo, or don’t particularly care.

For the anti-government rioter who fly-kicked a police officer into oblivion while his back was turned, click HERE.



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