Tony hears the bell when the door opens and he’s repeatedly looking up when he hears it throughout the scene. That rhythm is very important to the scene. The bell harkens back to the first episode [of the second part] of the final season called ‘Sopranos Home Movies,’ when Tony is out on a dock on this lake, and every once in a while a boat’s bell dings and brings him out of himself and back to the present. So here’s the bell again, and sure enough, he looks up, and then he gets distracted, and there’s the bell again. In my mind, it’s like a meditation bell. Not to be thinking about the past, not to be thinking about the future, only about now. It’s like the song ‘This Magic Moment.’ I used that at the end of ‘Sopranos Home Movies,’ and it’s one of the songs he sees on the jukebox in this episode.