Someone Created A Celebrity Version Of FIFA With Their Own Commentary And It’s Actually Really Funny



When someone tells you to watch a funny YouTube video then 9 times out of 10 it’s not funny and it’s just you awkwardly watching it and not laughing whilst your friends giggles his ass off and you wait for your turn so that the process can be reversed.

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I guarantee you that this is not one of those times though, provided you have at least some vague interest in FIFA or celebrities. A clip of this old FIFA match where some dudes created a celebrity match and then commentated it went viral on Twitter yesterday and rightly so, the footage is absolutely hilarious.

The game is af friendly match between Chelsea and LA Galaxy with players like Jason Derulo, Richard Madeley, Boris Johnson, Donald Trump, The Chuckle Brothers and Raoul Moat (????) taking part and the commentary is totally on point, especially the guy doing an impression of Alan Smith. Enjoy – well worth seven minutes of your time before bed:

See I told you it was completely sick. Favourite part is probably where he said that Obama could use Trump’s help to build the wall, or just Kevin Hart loving Noel Edmonds not once but twice – Noel Edmonds really had a shocker there.

Anyway, this content has been up on YouTube for a couple of years and it seems like the guys have made a whole bunch of videos, so if you enjoyed that give the rest of them a watch or throw them some bones – they deserve it.

For more of the same, check out this compilation of outrageous FIFA 17 glitches. It never gets old.



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