Simon Cowell Signs Huge Netflix Deal As He Tries To Find ‘The New One Direction’, But Nobody Is Showing Up To Auditions



Simon Cowell is largely given credit for discovering the original One Direction on X Factor back in 2010, and now nearly 15 years later he’s signed a huge deal with Netflix to do it all over again with a new show titled ‘Simon Cowell: Midas Touch’.

Unfortunately for Cowell, nobody really seems interested in taking part in his new show, with a depressingly low number of singers turning up to the first auditions in Liverpool.

According to The Independent, barely anyone showed up, with only 40 people said to have been present at the height of the queue. A source at the event said:

“They started arriving slowly from about 9am on Saturday but the biggest number in the queue never amounted to more than about 40. By early afternoon, the number arriving had virtually dried up and it was the same story on the Sunday audition.

The amount of railings they put up suggested they were expecting hundreds or thousands of people to arrive and pack out the queues but they had a fraction of those kinds of numbers.”

They went on to cancel the dates of two upcoming auditions, which Cowell’s team put down to “travel issues”, but either way, clearly there aren’t that many people around these days who are interested in being Simon Cowell’s latest pet project, let alone be patronised, ridiculed and dressed down by him on national TV (well, on Netflix).

Simon Cowell


Seriously though, 40 people? That is brutal, especially given they ran a huge marketing campaign to promote this show with Simon Cowell at the helm. He obviously still thinks a lot of himself, naming the show ‘Midas Touch’ and all, so maybe he can still make it work with 40 or so people turning up per audition. All he has to do is think of some creative cusses and ways to verbally abuse the wannabe pop stars and boom – viral city.

Somehow at the end of it all he’ll have put 5 lads together to become the ‘next One Direction’, and they’ll have huge success until the most talented one inevitably goes on a solo run, while the other four develop drug addictions, spend all their money and end up doing Celebrity Big Brother 7 or 8 years down the road. Whatever happens, Simon Cowell will have made millions and I guess that’s all that matters really.

For the X-Factor contestant who was jailed for life following sex attacks on 9 women, click HERE.



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