4) Water
Much like food, you need water for staying alive. Get someone to focus purely on collecting as much as they can. You can go 30 days without food (you won’t like it but you’ll manage) but you can only get through 3 days without the liquid of life.
Fill your bath tub, the sink, any bottles you have lying around, raid the recycling bins. Just stock up.
The good thing about a massive bin full of water is that it also acts as a pretty handy heat and projectile shield if placed next to wherever you are sheltering.
This is one of the most important things to get right according to most doomsday preppers, so seriously, get loads of water. Straight off the bat.
You don’t know how long you’re going to be undercover for so don’t start swigging the water down like it’s going out of fashion. Preserve your stores.