The Scottish Appeals Court Has Ruled That The Prorogation Of Parliament Is Illegal



Just when you thought the whole Brexit issue might be slightly toned down for a couple of weeks because Parliament has been dismissed, it turns out that it was actually an illegal movie for Boris Johnson to prorogue it in the first place.

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Well at least this is what the Scottish Appeals court has ruled, after Johnson’s decision was challenged by 75 opposition politicians on the basis that it wasn’t allowing Parliament to hold the government to account during a particularly crucial time for the nation. I’m not really sure what this actually means for the future, so I’m gonna let the Simple Politics Instagram account try and clear it up for us all:

Yeah I mean I’m not really sure if that’s really cleared anything up, but I think I’ve got a better idea of it than before I read it. Fact is that even if the case does win at the Supreme Court we will have already lost a week where stuff could have been done and they’ll probably bring in some more delays about why they can’t start sitting immediately again and it’ll just be delayed over and over. Much like Brexit inevitably will come October 31st. So it goes.

For more of the same, check out this Brexit survival box that only costs £300. Necessary.



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