Ryanair Passenger Has All-Time Meltdown, Screams ‘Meet Me Outside The Aircraft’ As She Tries To Fight Another Woman



Another day, another viral plane meltdown video, and naturally it all went down on a Ryanair flight and involved a passenger that had consumed way too much alcohol and proceeded to make an absolute prat of herself.

Here’s the footage:

Wow, imagine getting so worked up from repeatedly offering to fight someone that you literally end up out of breath. Completely exhausted herself just by shouting obscenities! Absolutely shameful behaviour and so embarrassing for her pal as well. Although maybe her pal should have stopped her getting so drunk in the first place?

Funnily enough, Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary admitted earlier this month that there been a ‘notable rise’ in bad behaviour caused by drinking and drugs. Still, what are airlines/airports supposed to do? Ban alcohol? They make too much money from it!

Anyway, I’m sure the lady in this video is absolutely mortified by her behaviour and so hopefully will be taking it easy on the booze from now on. Pretty funny how she thought it was her victim who was going to end up “famous” eh?

For the couple who were exposed by Easyjet staff while shagging in the toilets 30,000 feet up in the sky, click HERE.



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