5 Utterly Offensive Rolf Harris Jokes



Rolf Harris is a very sick dude who abused children, there’s nothing funny about that whatsoever. But when there’s a controversial subject in the headlines, there are always hundreds of jokes to go with it.

Here are the 5 most offensive Rolf Harris jokes ever:

5. I know that Rolf Harris isn’t a great artist but I think it’s a bit harsh that the news keeps on calling his pictures “indecent”.

4. Is there no end to Rolf Harris’s musical talents? Hit songwriter, singer, virtuoso on didgeridoo and wobble-board, and now we find out he’s also an expert fiddler.

3. I don’t envy the person who will have the job of Courtroom Artist at Rolf Harris’ trial. Talk about pressure.

2. I’m amazed it took Rolf Harris’ victims 25 years to finally guess what it was.

1. There are some bars, some grey walls, a toilet and a big dude who wants you to be his bitch. Can you guess what it is yet Rolf?



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