Rishi Sunak Gets Shredded By Sky News Interviewer While Apologising For D-Day Cock-Up



Opening your campaign with a pledge to reintroduce conscription then dodging memorial events to fallen soldiers probably wasn’t the smartest move in the world, and so Rishi Sunak has been busy apologising for it all day as he scrambles to save what little chance of re-election the Tories have left.

Earlier today Sunak was interviewed by Sky News reporter Sam Coates, who wasn’t buying the PM’s bullsh*t whatsoever:

Obviously there’s still time between now and the election in July so anything can happen, but that is a pretty lethal interview as far as Rishi Sunak and the Tories are concerned. Like the interviewer says, he sounds more exasperated than apologetic, and is just repeating the same thing over and over again about how the itinerary was planned weeks in advance (so change it then?) and how honoured he was to meet the veterans and their families, and how he’ll always apologise when he gets things wrong. I honestly thought it was a looped video for a second because he kept repeating himself so much.

I also love how he asks that we don’t politicise the whole thing as if there’s any chance that won’t be the case. Are there actually people advising Rishi Sunak or is he just f*cking this up all by himself? Absolutely useless. Roll on July 4.

For the time Joe Biden congratulated ‘Rashid Sanook’ on becoming The Prime Minister, click HERE. Probably the highlight of his Premiership.



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