Ricky Gervais, funny man behind the office, caused a bit of a storm at the last Global Globes when he used his position of hosting the ceremony to lay down some pretty deep jokes about some of the celebrity guests. Now at the 2011 Emmys, Ricky Gervais brought his own touch of comedy with the following recorded message. In the video Ricky Gervais jokes that he has been banned from attending the Emmys after his performance at the Global Globes. Ricky then delivers and obviously edited cut which he blames on the producers of the awards.
An Idiot Abroad 2
Ricky Gervais is kind of funny and kind of annoying at the same time, but I’m really buzzing about the new ‘An Idiot Abroad 2’ that’s coming out very soon. If you haven’t already seen it it’s basically Ricky Gervais and Steve Merchant ripping on Karl Pilkington who (in the first series) went travelling to the seven wonders of the world. In series 2, it’s no doubt Ricky Gervais doing what he does best – ripping Karl Pilkington – but this time it’s about Karl attempting to carry out his ‘Bucket List’ – which is a list of things you want to do before you die.
Catch Ricky Gervais, Karl Pilkington and Steve Merchant in An Idiot Abroad 2 airing on September 23rd on Sky 1 HD and Sky 1.