Remote Amazon Tribe Connects To The Internet For The First Time, Immediately Becomes Addicted To Porn



A remote tribe in Brazil is experiencing a problematic cultural shift nine months after gaining access to the internet via Elon Musk’s Starlink service.

The 2,000-member Marubo tribe, who live along the Ituí River deep in the Amazon rainforest, were connected to the internet last September after 20 antennas were donated to them by American entrepreneur Allyson Reneau.

Unfortunately, this didn’t turn out to be a great idea, with the introduction of the internet now causing a bitter divide for the Marubo, with elders in the tribe concerned that their youngsters are now hooked on porn, social media, and first person shooters.

A remote tribe in Brazil have become bitterly divided nine months after gaining access to satellite internet via Elon Musk's Starlink service.

Tsainama Marubo, 73, told The NY Times:

“When it arrived, everyone was happy. But now, things have gotten worse.”

He says many young Marubo men have been sharing porn videos in group chats and he has already observed more “aggressive sexual behavior” in some of them.

“We’re worried young people are going to want to try it.”

Another father, Kâipa Marubo, said he’s anxious about his children playing violent first-person shooter games.

“I’m worried that they’re suddenly going to want to mimic them.”

I actually had to double-check this wasn’t an Onion or Babylon Bee article because it seems so absurd, but nope, it’s 100% legit. A remote tribe in the Amazon had the internet brought to them, and within 9 months all the young people are addicted to porn, TikTok and video games. There’s probably a representative from OnlyFans out there right now trying to get some of the tribeswomen to sign up to the platform!

Looks like they haven’t mastered earbuds just yet:

The 2,000 member Marubo tribe, who live along the Ituí River deep in the Amazon rainforest, were connected to the world wide web last September

Jokes aside, it does seem like something of a shame. These people were happy and uncorrupted, living simple lives out in the Amazon without a care or a worry about what was going on in the rest of the world. OK, the lack of medical care is probably an issue, but they occasionally get humanitarian aid workers coming out to help them and keep them up to date on the basics. Aside from that – they’re hunting, surviving, building shelters and practicing their long-held beliefs and customs. All that now going to sh*t because of the introduction of a little thing called the internet. I mean, just imagine going from hunting and gathering to unrestricted internet access in the blink of an eye? Mind-blowing.

Obviously there are benefits to modernisation and the internet will help them learn more about the world outside the Amazon, but it will be interesting to get a follow-up on this tribe in another couple years to see how they all adapt. Hopefully they can maintain a sense of their culture and maybe even share it with the rest of the world on TikTok and whatnot. If they can drag themselves away from P0rnhub for long enough, that is.

Tribespeople became so addicted to Marubo leaders have limited access to the internet for two hours each morning, five hours each evening, and all day Sunday.

For the horrifying final moments of the Christian preacher killed by an Indian tribe, click HERE.



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