Someone’s Wasted Their Time Re-creating Toy Story Using Real Toys And Real People



Toy Story

Wow! Just wow. Some dude has re-created a full length version of Toy Story using real toys and real people. Now the question I’d like to ask is, why would anyone feel the need to do this? This baffles me. How has anyone got the time to do this? This project surely took weeks, months, maybe even years to complete, and for what? You get some hits on YouTube – wow well done dude. That was totally worth the last 12 months of your life that you’ve just wasted. The worst part is that pretty much everyone in the comments on YouTube are bigging whoever made this up telling them how amazing they are for doing something so spectacular. Spectacular? How is this spectacular? It must have been the most mind-numbing project ever.

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To be fair I haven’t even given this guy justice because I’m not going to waste an hour and twenty minutes of my life even watching this shit, but I’ve flicked through bits of it and it seems like the real deal. If anyone’s got nothing better to do with their Sunday night then watch this re-creation of Toy Story using real toys and real people please be our guest. Send us your review when you’re done with this video of Enjoy suckers:

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