Racist Man Claiming To Be IDF Soldier Pulls Head Scarf Off Young Woman, Pees His Pants When Confronted



A man claiming to be an IDF soldier pulled the head scarf off a young Muslim girl at Whitechapel tube station in London this week, and then proceeded to square up to another young woman who was sticking up for the victim.

The man was still acting pretty tough at that point, but his attitude changed somewhat when a big, black dude showed up and got in his face:

I mean, you can’t go from bragging about being an IDF soldier to scurrying away like a pigeon the moment someone bigger than you turns up, can you? Especially if you’re already mental enough to pull a stunt like this in Whitechapel. He’s seriously very lucky that he didn’t end up KO’d on the station floor.

Here’s footage of the man being arrested for his racist outburst soon after:

Somehow I don’t actually think this chap is an IDF soldier, but rather just a racist being a racist. Either way, let’s hope he’s punished appropriately because we can’t have prats like this walking around London and thinking they can treat people this way, especially young women who’ve done nothing to deserve it.

To watch a man get stomped out by male passengers after racially abusing and attacking women on a London train, click HERE. See? It could’ve been much worse for him.



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