Prince Andrew’s Former Bodyguard Reveals Details About His Teddy Bears And Ghislaine Maxwell



I think by now it’s not really even questionable whether or not Prince Andrew is a complete and utter weirdo – he’s definitely a nasty piece of work and also probably a paedophile – but this interview with one of his former bodyguards only confirms all of that even further.

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Our friends over at LadBible were able to nab an interview with Paul Page, who used to work as a Royal Protection Officer, providing security for members of the Royal Family. For some reason, he was willing to go on the record about his experiences with Prince Andrew, including his teddy bear collections, all the weird women/prostitutes he would bring back to Buckingham Palace and his relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell.

Buckle up because this is a good one:

On Prince Andrew’s childhood:

And on this particular occasion, I went into Prince Andrew’s bedroom and his apartments, and on his bed was, I now know, was 72, I said about 50, but a maid confirmed it was 72, ’cause she had to count ’em, 72 teddy bears on his bed, and just thinking, “Alright. Okay.” And then my Inspector showed me a laminated card which was in the side drawer of one of the bedroom cabinets of a picture of these teddy bears all in situ. And he said, “The reason for that picture is that the maids have to put them back exactly like it’s in that picture.” He said, “If they don’t, he shouts and screams and abuses ’em.” And then a maid came out and confirmed that she had to do that, otherwise he would shout and scream. So, you know, that’s not, not really the actions of a nice person, you know, to have people having to do that. He’s a very self-entitled person. I mean, more so than any member of the Royal Family. He stuck out like a sore thumb. No one liked him.

On Prince Andrew’s female visitors:

Prince Andrew used to have many frequent female visitors after 5pm, up to 11pm at night. The usual form was for us not to ask any questions. We were not given the names of most of the ladies that were attending. They would turn up at the front of the palace, say they’re here to see Prince Andrew. We would ring his footman, his personal footman, and they would come down, and we would let the females through, no checks, no names, and just let ’em straight through into the palace to meet the footman, where they would then be taken up to Prince Andrew. Obviously, this is a clear breach of security, ’cause we need to know who’s in the palace. And we do get people turn up, saying they’re here to see the Queen, but they’re not, they’re just mentally challenged. So the idea of people turning up, saying they’re here to see Prince Andrew, and we’re just letting ’em in, is ridiculous. But if we didn’t… I’ll give you one occasion when we didn’t do that. A young lady turned up, probably about 22, 23 years old, said she was here to see Prince Andrew. He’d just came in about half an hour previous, so we knew he was in. But the footman wasn’t answering his phone. There was no way of us contacting anyone up there, so we just politely said to the lady, “We’re really sorry. We can’t let you in at the moment, ’cause we can’t confirm you’re expected.” So she said, “Oh, shall I ring him on my mobile?” So we said, “Yeah, fine.” So she rang Prince Andrew on her mobile, and we could hear him clearly. He said, “Put an officer on the phone.” So my colleague took the phone, and he said, “Listen to me you fat, lardy-assed c**t. Let my guest in immediately, or I’m gonna come down there.” Everyone heard it. The lady went red, apologised, and we just let her in. So after that, obviously, those sort of issues we had with him, we would just let women in. Didn’t ask questions, ’cause we just did not want the grief. I mean, complaints were made about him. He was a rude, obnoxious, horrible individual. But no one was gonna take a complaint to the Royal household, cause he’s the Queen’s favourite.

On Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell:

I think about one o’clock, lunchtime, but her name was not to be entered into the appointments book. So we asked why, and we were told her name was Ghislaine Maxwell. And then, obviously, we realised she was the daughter of Robert Maxwell. So we thought, “Yeah, obviously it’s not a good look for her to attend the palace the Queen’s in. If it got out into the public domain, it could be embarrassing.” About an hour later, we walked through. We were relieved from post, walked back to the police lodge, and we walked into the garden, the back garden at Buckingham Palace, where the Queen’s private apartments overlook. And to our right, on the grass by the summer house, was a picnic being set up by a footman and maids. On our way back from the police lodge about an hour later, Prince Andrew’s sitting with Ghislaine Maxwell, having this particular picnic. And again, we said, “If the Queen looks out of her window and realises that’s Ghislaine Maxwell sat outside on her grass, she probably wouldn’t be too happy.” And that was the first time that I encountered her. But after that it was the same routine. She was just allowed to… we were told not to stop her if she was coming into the palace, she was allowed to just come straight through security, and she would go straight into the quad where Prince Andrew’s private door is. She was a regular visitor. And I said this before, a colleague of mine noted that she’d come into the palace and out of the palace four times in one day. So she had carte blanche to enter and exit. No one else did. No one had that sort of facility, apart from members of the Royal Family. And to us, as police officers, seeing this on a daily, weekly basis, we formed the opinion that there was some form of relationship going on between the pair. Yeah. I mean, as I mentioned, nine to five is the office working hours, when everyone has to… we have to have their names. That was the only one occasion where we were not given a name until we asked for it.

Wow. There’s a lot to unpack there isn’t there? But ultimately it comes back to what I said at the start of this article – Prince Andrew definitely isn’t a good person and is definitely a major shagger who wants nothing more than to get his end off. No matter what the consequences are.

The stuff about Maxwell is weird too and probably perpetuates the whole idea that the Royal Family is a secret cabal of paedophiles. Draw your own conclusions because I really can’t be bothered to get into that conspiracy theory again, even if there’s a lot to suggest that it might be true.

For more of the same, check out Prince Andrew caught ‘copping a feel’ of his own daughter during Queen Elizabeth’s tribute. What is wrong with the guy?



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