Previous Record Holder For Sleeping With Most Men In 24 Hours Slams Bonnie Blue’s ‘Unverified’ Attempt



Bonnie Blue has been on an absolute tear in 2025, shattering a world record by sleeping with 1,054 guys in 12 hours, and also going viral for sexually harassing a young Five Guys worker.

The former feat means Bonnie Blue has dethroned porn star Lisa Sparks, who set the record in 2004 by sleeping with 919 men at the Third Annual World Gangbang Championship in Warsaw. Lisa was competing against two other women and won by 21 men with each person involved being allowed 45 seconds with her. Borderline virginal compared to what Bonnie Blue managed!

Adult film star Lisa Sparks has revealed her regrets over sleeping with 919 men in one day

Well, it turns out Lisa Sparks is not happy with Bonnie Blue stealing her shine. Not least because her attempt was “unverified”.

A representative for Lisa told MailOnline: “Lisa Sparxxx is not taking interviews on an unverified record attempt. There was not any adult media at this event nor any witnesses from the adult industry to confirm the number of individuals.”

Unfortunately for Lisa, the whole event was recorded, so it doesn’t get more legit than that really. There were also over 1,000 witnesses present, including the contestants, camera crew and people working for Bonnie Blue. What, was she supposed to have a representative from the Guinness World Records team present or something?

In any case, Lisa Sparks says she regrets the experience when breaking the world record in 2004, and says the whole thing was a “complete sh*tshow”:

“To be completely transparent with you all; this event is the one thing I regret doing in the 21+ years in the porn industry to this day. This was also the ONLY job I agreed to perform strictly for the money.”


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If that’s the case you would think that maybe she’d be happy to have Bonnie Blue steal her record, but apparently not. I guess time will tell whether Bonnie Blue’s attempt will be officially verified or recognised by whoever deals with these things, but is she even bothered? She’s already raking in unthinkable amounts of cash thanks to the video.

For images of the bleak aftermath of Bonnie’s Blue 1,000 men challenge, click HERE. Yikes.



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